Welcome to CANM
Welcome to the Canadian Association of Neurophysiological Monitoring (CANM) webpage. Since its inception in 2008 CANM has been dedicated to providing professional education opportunities for intraoperative neuromonitoring (IONM) specialists. We are proud to offer our on-line two year certificate course to qualified applicants in collaboration with the Michener Institute in Toronto. This program has been ongoing since 2014 and was created with contributions from IONM leaders from Canada, the USA and Europe. Our on-line platform provides educational opportunities for students no matter where they live in Canada or across the globe. Many Michener/CANM grads are currently working in Canadian hospitals providing IONM. In addition to our certificate program, CANM also provides learning opportunities through its annual symposium, our CANM newsletter, as well as its webinar series, CANMtalks. CANM has always been openly collaborative and we recently received the mandate from our members to begin the process of creating our own national accreditation process. This will include a two part examination process giving the successful challenger the Canadian Intraoperative Neurophysiological Practitioner (CINP) credential. The IONM community in Canada is small but we pride ourselves in our vision and dedication to our craft. Our goal is to provide high level training to produce leading IONM professionals to serve the surgical community and their patients.
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Hot Off the Press!
CANM's Fall 2019 Newsletter!
Members' new publications!!
Levin DN, Strantzas S, Steinberg BE (2019). Intraoperative neuromonitoring in paediatric spinal surgery. BJA Education, 19(5): 19(5): 165-171; doi: 10.1016/j.bjae.2019.01.007.
Houlden DA, Turgeon CA, Amyot NS, Edem I, Sinclair J, Agbi C, Polis T, Alkherayf F (2019). Intraoperative flash visual evoked potential recording and relationship to visual outcome. Canadian Journal of Neurological Science. May: 46(3): pp 295-302 and 2019 Mar: 14: pp 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/cjn.2019.4